Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Learning Log 7

In the Romeo and Juliet performance, I really felt that my group had done very good. We had paid a lot of effort and they did not waste. On that day, Liyu and Yuet Yan did not laugh and Jing Yan did very well and so as Weiqi ,Jiaying , Diana, Brian and Jiayi. The most important thing is that my piano did not ruin our group performance which I had worried for quite a long time. I think that this performance is a very good experience for me . This performance actually had  made our group member to become closer to each other. After the performance, all of us miss the time we preparing for our performance and we really felt that the time past so quickly!!! I would like to recommend this to my junior because this  will be a very fun experience for them.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Learning Log 6

Our class had learnt literary device in the literature lesson from last week and we are almost finishing it in this week. I had learnt what literary device is and found that they are quite interesting. Some of the devices seem familiar to me as we had learnt some of them last year. For example: I know that simile is the comparison between two distinctly different things, indicated by the use of ‘like’ and ‘as’ and one of the example is ‘he danced like a hippopotamus’. We also learnt other device like,metaphor,personification,symbol,visual,auditory,olfactory,gustatory,kinesthetic, rhyme, tactile,rhythm,onomatopoeia,alliteration,tone,connotation,oxymoron,hyperbole,paradox,simple sentence, complex sentence, incomplete sentence, exclamation, rhetorical question and repetition. I understand that different device is use at different place. If we want to describe sense, we can use visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, kinesthetic and tactile. I also feel that these devices are useful in literature as it can decorate or improve a prose or poem by making them more interesting.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Learning Log 5

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From the worksheet, I had learnt that in order to organize and write an essay, we need to have good analysis and evaluation of content and presentation. We can learn the skills of analysis of text, skills in the organization of an essay and sample essays and commentary. Firstly is the skills of analysis of the text. There are four levels of analytical skill that we should attempt to display in my writing that is, a clear awareness of the text’s meaning, a logical interpretation of the text, a detailed analysis and evaluation of the text, and an insightful response to the text. After reading the text through once, we can immediately jot down our impression of the text’s meaning. This is because most of the question in the Unseen will relate to our understanding of the meaning of the text, the mood of the text and the issues highlighted by the text. Next, we need to interpret the text. One of the strategies which I don’t understand is the “Why X and not Y” formula. As we read the text, highlight any interesting words in it and then ask yourself why the writer chose that word instead of another so that will be more aware and sensitive to the skills involved in crafting a poem or pierce of prose. Then, we need to provide detailed analysis of the text, which are the techniques used by the writer to achieve an effect and the ability to track patterns and development of character or mood in the text. As we read the text, pick out various devices used by the writer and state what the purpose of the technique is and how it affects the reader. We should also try to pick out trends or changes in language, tone and mood. Secondly, is the skill in the organization of an essay. An essay consists of the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. We must always start our essay with a statement which immediately answers the question and which states our standpoint. An organized introduction consists of a clear assertion which forms the basis of your essay, an overall view of the point or issue and a summary of the key points which serve as evidence in support of your view. The body includes point, evidence and elaboration. Begin the first sentence of the paragraph with a point that answers the question. Every major point we make should be supported by evidence from the text such as direct quote from the text and paraphrase of the text. Quotes used should add value to the point made and not merely repeat the point. Besides making a point and providing evidence to support it, we will need to elaborate on your point. You need to explain how your evidence links to and proves the point you have made. When we elaborate, you should always aim to provide logical and clear reasons for your points. We should at least give a response as part of the conclusion to our essay. To make the conclusion, we can reiterate the major claim or argument of your essay, summarize the key points you had made in your essay, and provide a philosophical insight and summative response to the issues raised in the text. After reading the notes, I think that I had a better understanding on how to organize an essay.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Learning Log 4

 For this week literature lesson, the whole class had our Macbeth performance. All the groups had paid a lot of efforts and had done quite well for their performance. I felt that my group did not do very well and we did not did as good as our expectation. I also felt that our group did not pay in any efforts to prepare our props. This is all because one of our group member,Shadleen was in the band SYF . She was busy in practising for their competition. Me and Amanda had tried to find a time with Shadleen to meet up for the performance. However, it will always end up with somebody missing. Therefore, Amanda and me had made the hat home for the three of us. On the performance day, I am too nervous that I had forgotten what I supposed to say. I felt very disappointed about my performance. We had tried to put makeup to make us look like witch, However, no matter how hard Shadleen and Amanda tried to darken the eyeliner or the eye shadow , I do not look like a witch. After the performance, I think that I can do better than what I had done. I also like some group performance ,especially Jiale’s and Tarif’s group. I hope that in the coming performance I can do better and have the confidence to perform in front of the class.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Learning Log 3

From this literature lesson, Mrs.Woo had told us to think about an incident when somebody predicted something will happened to you or your family and what happened after it. Mrs. Woo had divided us into groups to discuss about the topic. I am in the group with Kelvin, Jing Han and Li Ling. Everyone in our group do not have such incident except for Jing Han. He told us that his story is not really true but some is true. Hence, we combine Jing Han’s story with Kelvin’s story and come out with our story. We had presented our story in front of the class. Actually, I don’t really understand what are we learning from this week ‘s literature lesson.Howevwe, I felt that this literature lesson is quite fun.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Learning Log 2

Before the literature lesson, Mrs. Woo had told us to do research about superstitions. During the lesson, we had done group work and share our research with the group member. Some of my classmates had found some interesting superstitions. For example, the number 4 is considered an unlucky number in Chinese culture. Mrs. Woo had explained clearly to us that the Macbeth is related to superstitions. Besides that, Mrs. Woo had chosen three students in our class to practice the voice of the three witches in the Macbeth. I am one of the students who had been chosen to imitate the sound. I tried to make my sound to be deeper and I felt that the others two boys ,Liang Wei and Lionel had done very well. It is  rally a very interesting experience for me. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

Learning Log 1

During the literature lesson, I had learnt how to make a cinquain.  I had learnt that a cinquain is a five-line poem .The word cinquain’ come from French word ‘cinq’, which means five. I knew that each line of the cinquain had to follow a rule. The first line is the title, second line is the description, third line is the action, and fourth line is the feeling while the last line is the reflection o the title. The literature lesson is very fun and I enjoy it so much. This is the first time I felt that literature lesson is so interesting instead of boring. I felt that group work during the lesson is good. This can foster the relationship between the classmates. The explanation of the teacher is very clear and can be understand easily. During the group work, my group had created a cinquain entitled ‘school’. We had described the school and we discussed and tried our best to make a cinquain that fits all the rules.   During the lesson, I think that the teacher can include more pair work and group work. This will make the lesson more interesting.

By  Jasmine